Monday, July 19, 2010

people are just jealous

yea lumrah manusia , seseorang manusia akan bahagia bila manusia yang dibencinya hidup dlm keksusahan dan tidak tenang . yea itu lumrah manusia :)
bila seseorang itu melihat orang yg dibencinya hidup senang , pasti orang itu akan cemburu . oleh itu mereka akan berupaya untuk membuat orang yang dibencinya susah . biasalah manusia :) bila manusia yang dibencinya itu dlm kesusahan dia akan rasa bahagia sangat sedangakan manusia yanag dibencinya itu dalam masa yang sama diduga kesabarannya oleh yang Esa .
" Tuhan tidak akan uji hambaNya jika hambaNya tidak mampu tempuhi "
tuhan itu tahu kekuatan yang hambaNya ada untuk menempuhi dugaan itu .
jangan lupa juga Tuhan selalu ada dgn hambaNyayang teraniaya :)
dan doa orang teraniaya itu dimakbul Tuhan .

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cant Lie Myself

I can pretend that i have forget everything about you , but inside only god know how i feel . I will never forget you coz i have try to forget you , but the fact , i just CANT . I want to hate u but i cant even dislike u . none of my friends know about this coz i prefer to keep it alone . It is hard to face the fact that we have lost contact . OMG i dont know why this idiot tears have drop -.-
you are just my history . history is in the past . past is past .
If u read this , i just want to tell u that u are one . u know how hard to forget the one right ?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm back .

so long no type . I am kinda busy lately . i dont have time to update my blog .
so today , at 1456 ( Malaysia time) i have free time .
when it comes to Upper Form 4 , i realize that i did not study at all before .
i waste my time by spending time at sports , schooling , tution and lepak .
There's no time at home . Back from camping last Sunday ( 3-4 July ) at Kemensah,
i feel refresh and feel to start it everything over again . My study , my diet meal , my time management . How fucking damn lazy i am before ? i do not even buy any of revision book yet . Oh my GODNESSSS ! In fact , my Mid Year result show the fucking descending graph . I've got 2 failed ! hahaha . I need to study my account subject over again , my chemistry n the worst part , i am fucking damn not good at physic . HAHA "physic senang je , dia dah bagi formula guna ajelah kan ? " dad said that to me when i am blaming my self for being stupid at physic subject . I HAVE TO try my best to get a good result in my SPM . SPM : SIJIL PENETU MASADEPAN :D